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Cómo medir las botellas de licor para el inventario: Una guía de 10 pasos

Aprenda a medir con precisión sus botellas de licor para el inventario con nuestra guía paso a paso. Evita servir de más y ahorra dinero a tu restaurante.
Cómo medir las botellas de licor para el inventario: Una guía de 10 pasos
Bogdan Patynski
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Ultimate Bar Inventory Template™ (Plantilla de Inventario de Bares)

¿Es usted propietario de un restaurante o bar y quiere tener su inventario bajo control? Con nuestra Hoja de Inventario para Bares, es tan fácil como anotarlo todo.

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Índice de contenidos

Saber cómo medir las botellas de licor para el inventario de forma eficaz es esencial para cualquier gerente de un bar. Si quieres llevar tu bar al siguiente nivel y mejorar significativamente las operaciones, primero tienes que asegurarte de que tienes la base más sólida posible. Esto comienza con un sólido proceso de inventario.

Luckily for you, this easy-to-follow guide is the perfect place to start. We will walk you through all the steps to accurately and effectively measure your full liquor inventory. Whether you consider yourself a beginner or an advanced inventory-taker, following this guide will ensure you’re doing everything you need to be successful.

¿Qué es el inventario de barras?

Let’s make sure we’re all on the same page, first. Bar inventory is the process of counting your liquor stock and cross-checking those numbers with invoices and sales records. In other words, bar managers conduct inventory to ensure they have enough product on hand to create menu items, but are not overstocking product. With this process, they can also detect if employees are over-pouring or giving away too many free drinks.

For many bar managers, figuring out the best strategy for counting liquor is especially tricky since product is often sold by the shot. A popular, but ineffective method, is counting by simply eyeballing how much liquid is remaining in an open bottle. That being said, there are many ways to handle inventory, some good and some bad. Keep reading to learn how to measure liquor bottles for inventory, the right way.

¿Por qué debería preocuparse por el inventario de los bares?

Liquor inventory management is so important that even doing the bare minimum will make a big difference for your establishment.​ ​Once you learn how to measure liquor bottles for inventory effectively and regularly keep track of what you have on hand, you will immediately start seeing results. You’ll be able to prevent yourself from over-pouring and over-ordering supplies, and running out of bottles. On top of that, you’ll easily be able to tell if your bartenders are giving out free drinks and ultimately wasting your resources.

But, you can even take inventory management a step further for more benefits. Having a running catalog of the products you use, order, and run out of quickly gives you insight into your customer’s preferences so you can better plan your menu and promotions. A smooth inventory process also helps cut down on stress and wasted time by streamlining the process for placing purchase orders, setting pars, and more.

Desglose: La única guía de gestión de inventarios de bebidas que necesitará

Para empezar, cierra los ojos e imagina que estás en tu bar. O quizá estés leyendo esto desde tu bar, en cuyo caso abre los ojos y mira a tu alrededor.

In your real or imaginary bar, take note of where you store products. It might include a front bar, back bar, storeroom, walk-in cooler, or all of the above. You’ll need to count inventory everywhere product is located.

Next, take note of the date on the calendar. This is important because inventory needs to be consistent to be effective. So, if it’s the first Sunday of the month, you should take inventory every Sunday. If you don’t need to count weekly, count on the first Sunday of every month.

Ahora estás listo para empezar.

¿Cómo se calcula el inventario de licores?

Utilizando Excel o papel y lápiz, cree una hoja de cálculo de inventario que le sirva.

Organize it by area of the bar and list alcohol in the same order it is stored so it’s easy to track. Add columns for alcohol type, brand, and bottle size and, depending on how large your storage areas are, consider adding a column to track which area of the bar each bottle is stored.

Una vez que su hoja de cálculo esté lista, empiece a contar.

Si tiene acceso a una balanza, utilícela para medir con mayor precisión las botellas. Si no, la forma más fácil de contar manualmente el inventario es ir botella por botella y anotar visualmente la cantidad de líquido que queda redondeando a la décima más cercana, es decir, la mitad o un tercio de su capacidad, y anotar esto para cada botella en su hoja de cálculo. Este proceso se denomina "tenthing" por la gente que disfruta utilizando la jerga.

Repite el proceso de "tentación".

Do this for each area of your bar that you determined existed when we started the process. Make a note whether your measurements refer to one third of a case, a bottle, or a keg, etc. If you have access to a magic wand, or even just another employee to split the work with, it will help speed up the process.

Suma todo.

Una vez que hayas contado y diezmado toda la barra, suma los totales de cada categoría.

Tome notas para su propio recuerdo.

¿Recuerda que al principio anotó la fecha en el calendario? Ahora, debería tomar nota literalmente porque tendrá que repetir estos pasos de nuevo exactamente de la misma manera para obtener un recuento de inventario inicial y final.

Al final del período de inventario, volverá a hacer estos recuentos y repetirá el mismo proceso.

This will leave you with a beginning and an ending inventory count. It is also important to keep track of all invoices and sales so you know what product you received. Why? Great question! That part is next.

¿Cómo se calcula el uso del inventario?

You have all the data, so let’s dive into the most essential bar inventory formula: calculating usage.

Sume los totales de su primera sesión de inventario.

Using your handy new bar inventory spreadsheet, add up the total amount of liquor, beer, and wine you counted in your first inventory session. That’s your starting inventory. Give it a column because you won’t want to forget this number.

Repita el proceso para la segunda sesión de inventario.

Next, add up the total amount of liquor, beer, and wine you counted in your second inventory session. Write this number down too.

Haz un registro de tus entregas.

Por último, añada cualquier producto nuevo que haya recibido o vendido entre la primera y la segunda sesión de inventario. Consulta las facturas y las ventas para obtener esta información. Registra los totales en tu hoja de cálculo. Este es su inventario recibido.

Utilice la fórmula del inventario de barras para el último paso.

A continuación, basta con introducir esos totales en esta fórmula:

inventario inicial + inventario recibido - inventario final = uso

Esa cifra final, el uso, es el objetivo de todo este proceso. Una vez que conozca su número de uso, podrá empezar a cosechar las ventajas que ofrece la gestión de inventarios. Puedes asegurarte de que los precios de tus bebidas son correctos, de que realizas los pedidos de forma eficiente y de que eliminas hábitos costosos como los pedidos urgentes, el stock muerto y el exceso de consumo.

Inventory is time-consuming and far from glamorous. But, practicing regular inventory will not only allow you to optimize the business operations mentioned above but also increase your bar’s profits and customer satisfaction.

After you know how to measure liquor bottles for inventory, you’ll not only be less likely to run out of customer favorites, but you’ll also be able to stay ahead of changing customer tastes and industry trends. You can also explore other options like bar inventory apps.

¿Ya estás cansado? Nosotros también. El software de inventario de bares puede ayudar.

If you went through the process of learning how to measure liquor bottles for inventory listed above and immediately wanted to bang your head against the wall, you’re not alone. Beyond just being annoying, manual inventory opens the door for human error and missed opportunities. That’s why many bar managers turn to software instead. There are dozens of benefits when you switch to software instead of filling out endless inventory forms by hand. These include:


Let’s be real, no one likes math. Software not only automatically completes formulas for you, but it can also automatically detect red flags and place purchase orders.


Clipboards and Excel spreadsheets often can’t travel with you the way software and apps can. Download your new system onto all your devices so you can take inventory with you easily and quickly.

Menos (o ningún) error

It’s easy to see how manually counting inventory and visually estimating how much liquid is in a given bottle might not be the most accurate way to do things. Many software options come with scales and POS integrations so you have the peace of mind that your data is correct.

Facilidad de uso

Add multiple users so all employees involved in inventory can log in and track inventory, without interrupting the process of others. Generate reports with clear takeaways for how your bar can improve. The ease of software applications is undoubtedly one of their biggest benefits.

Tecnología inteligente

All the data gathered through inventory is incredibly valuable but it can also be incredibly overwhelming and confusing. With software, you can pass off the hard work of understanding all the numbers and nuances and skip straight to the part where you get actionable insights to better your business.

¿Qué es lo siguiente? Haz lo que sea mejor para tu cuenta de resultados.

If you’ve made it this far, you hopefully understand the importance of knowing how to measure liquor bottles for inventory and the leg up inventory software provides. What you might not know is that with WISK, you get the best bang for your buck. It's a program that’s designed to not only help your business get organized but to help it thrive through tools that optimize your drink prices, create more profitable drink recipes, and set you up for success in the long term. WISK has everything you need and more.

Don’t wait another day to get started. Visit https://www.wisk.ai/for/wisk-bar-management-software for more details or sign up for a free trial below.

See your ROI flourish as you perfect the art of measuring liquor bottles for inventory. By mastering this essential skill, you're not only reducing waste but also ensuring your bar's profitability for years to come.

If you like this blog, don't forget to check out our list of the most popular gin, brandy, whiskey, vodka, and wines of 2022.


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