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Guía para principiantes sobre el uso de una aplicación de inventario de bares

Optimice la gestión del inventario de su restaurante con nuestra guía para principiantes sobre el uso de una aplicación de inventario para bares. Despídete del seguimiento manual y dale la bienvenida a la eficiencia.
Guía para principiantes sobre el uso de una aplicación de inventario de bares
Angelo Esposito
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La guía definitiva del inventario de restaurantes™

Es usted propietario de un restaurante o bar que necesita tener el inventario bajo control? Con nuestro Ultimate Restaurant Inventory Method™, puede empezar a sentar las bases para hacer el inventario 2 veces más rápido.

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Índice de contenidos

Taking inventory is not only stressful but makes the job of any bar or restaurant manager much more difficult. Thankfully, there are solutions to this issue, and downloading a bar inventory app is one of them.

If you’re only just starting as a bar manager, you may ask yourself, how do I do a bar inventory? There are ways to use a bar inventory spreadsheet manually. However, this will take too much time from your day and most likely lead to human error. Odds are, you’ve already tried to do this several times from following misleading online guides, unlike this one.

With a reliable and advanced bar inventory app, you can save yourself a ton of time to juggle multiple responsibilities as a bar manager. Keep reading to understand why using an application to manage your bar is always a win-win.

Razones por las que puede necesitar una aplicación de inventario de bares

  • You've just started your own bar or restaurant and don’t know how useful a bar inventory app can truly be
  • Si eres propietario de un restaurante o bar desde hace años y estás harto de años de despilfarro ganancias
  • Usted es uno de los anteriores y desea una forma fácil de minimizar negocio costos , reducir el stock muerto e identificar las pérdidas

¿Cómo puede el software de inventario para bares hacer más rentable su restaurante?

If you want to increase bar sales, the best thing to do would be to start using our bar inventory app to manage your supply. One of the major ways that the platform can make your bar or restaurant more profitable is by saving time in doing inventory by approximately 80%. Without having to spend all of your time and energy on doing this, you’ll be given the opportunity to find other ways to improve sales.

Por ejemplo, con nuestra plataforma de análisis de bebidas, puede pronosticar las ventas futuras del restaurante o del bar en función de los eventos, el tiempo, los días festivos, etc. Con estos datos, puede aumentar márgenes de ganancias pidiendo solo los productos que se venderán mejor en determinados días.

You’ll also be able to calculate pour costs with WISK. This is a necessary process and could mean the difference between a successful bar and one that’s going to fail. Having the ability to observe historical data and control your inventory whenever you wish can help you keep a beverage’s pour costs inexpensive and thus, profitable for you. For instance, even a dollar difference in the price of a drink could suggest thousands lost every month.

Another way that WISK makes your bar financially successful is by reducing waste and unused stock. With our intelligent bar inventory app, you’ll no longer be estimating the amount of liquor you need to purchase. In other words, you’ll be able to measure the exact amount of alcohol you have in stock to determine your next order. This is very useful especially if you run a large establishment.

Imagina el siguiente escenario:

You own a whiskey bar with over 40 types of brands on the menu. You’re one of the only true whiskey bars in the city and you want to impress by providing as many options as possible. This can get very confusing and remembering details is more difficult. With our application, you can measure and store different types of whiskey brands from Jack Daniels to more obscure beverages like Heaven Hill. WISK has it all and you’ll be able to accurately monitor your supply with fewer headaches and mistakes.

Principales beneficios de la gestión de inventarios de bares

Reducir los residuos

The main problem with ordering too much of what you need is the waste that comes with it. However, with an application for keeping track of your liquor, you can avoid dead stock on your bar shelves at all costs. In addition, if your staff is prone to spilling, giving away freebies, or destroying bottles, a system for managing inventory can help you prevent lost profits.

Evitar errores

Using advanced technology doesn’t have to be scary. After all, this isn’t 2001: A Space Odyssey and WISK isn’t Hal 9000. Jokes aside, with an app for managing beverages, you don’t have to worry about making mistakes. Most importantly, if inventory is organized properly, you can minimize the chances of serving customers something other than what they ordered. Bartenders will be more efficient by using the right liquors and the right amount of them to fulfill customer orders.

Tenga siempre en stock lo que necesita

There’s nothing worse than not having all of the ingredients for a certain mixed drink or recipe. That’s why it is crucial to have effective bar inventory management that enables you to have the right quantity of stocks all the time. With the help of a bar inventory app, you can always make sure you have what you need to satisfy your customers. Picture a large group of coworkers coming to your bar or restaurant after work. They all decide to match each other’s orders and get the same cocktails. Whether it's a martini or a Negroni, you need to make sure you have the right gin brand to fulfill that many orders. It wouldn’t look impressive if you had to deny the drink to part of the group because you didn’t get enough gin the previous week.

Ahorrar en mano de obra costos

You normally have to pay one or more personnel to take inventory for you when using a manual inventory. This can result in significant labor costs over time. Additionally, manual inventory causes longer order processing, more expensive labor, and higher inventory write-offs that may be avoided at the end of the year. Failure to do so could lead to what would appear to be a minor error here and there, but those minor errors in inventory count can add up to a significant profit or loss.

Bar inventory management software like Wisk can help you save money on labor costs and increase efficiency by more automated inventory process. All you have to do now is properly educate your team so that they are more knowledgeable about this inventory app.

Analizar los datos

Una gestión eficaz del inventario mejorará enormemente la eficiencia de su bar.

Bar inventory apps are more than essentially a useful tool to improve your inventory management process compared to using spreadsheets. The majority of bar inventory apps like Wisk include customized reports that keep track of important inventory data, such as the stock usage and quantity of spillage occurring at your bar. The system also helps you analyze your financial performance by providing access to variance reports that outline your daily and weekly bar costs, profits, and losses when linked with your POS system.

Ahorre un tiempo valioso

El inventario manual implica contar cada artículo y luego introducir los datos en una hoja de cálculo, lo que consume un tiempo valioso del que no se dispone.

You may automatically track your inventory counts by using inventory management software like Wisk which can be used to manage inventory across multiple devices and locations.

Seguimiento del inventario en tiempo real

With an online inventory management system, your business will receive real-time analytics and financial reporting that reveal precisely where you are losing inventory, why you are losing it, and how you can prevent it from happening in the future.

Esto implica que puede acceder fácilmente a los datos y comprobar el uso y las ventas de bebidas alcohólicas en su dispositivo. Puedes saber de inmediato si algo va mal, como cuando una botella de alcohol específica está a punto de caducar y a uno de tus cócteles más populares podría faltarle un ingrediente clave.

De este modo, podrá asegurarse de que dispone de un inventario preciso. De este modo, su bar o restaurante se ahorrará grandes cantidades de dinero que podrá añadir a su cuenta de resultados.

¿Qué hace que una aplicación de inventario de bar sea buena?

Báscula Bluetooth

Con el sistema de báscula Bluetooth, puede medir el contenido de alcohol de sus botellas de licor. También le permite controlar el consumo de licor generando informes sobre las variaciones y comprobando si la cantidad vertida por su personal es la misma. Esto le ayuda a ahorrar dinero en vertidos excesivos y robos.

Escáner de código de barras

Inputting the necessary inventory data manually is slower and less trustworthy than scanning a barcode. Scanning each barcode just requires a few seconds. Just imagine how long you would wait in line at the grocery if the cashier had to manually input and record each item that you bought. Barcodes increase the productivity of both your staff and your procedures. When a barcode is scanned and added to a specific database, you will gain valuable insight into the status of your inventory, including shipping, receiving, and inventory quantities.

Integración directa en el punto de venta

A POS system offers a variety of inventory management features, including data forecasting, purchase orders report, integrated accounting software, and much more. However, a POS can't give you as much information about your inventory as a bar inventory management system. The two systems must be integrated instead. You will be able to easily import sales data into your inventory management system as a result, which will provide you with more insight into inventory losses. Ultimately, you must analyze business costs in order for you to develop effective sales and marking plans.

Acceso a la base de datos del bar

Puede agilizar considerablemente su trabajo como gerente de un bar si dispone de una base de datos en línea de 200.000 botellas que sea potente. Esto le permite acceder, gestionar, ordenar y actualizar la información sobre sus productos de licor según sea necesario al hacer el inventario rápidamente. 

Accesibilidad sin conexión y compatibilidad de dispositivos

Dado que la mayoría de los programas informáticos son cada vez más cruciales para la transformación digital, contar con una sólida asistencia fuera de línea integrada en la aplicación es cada vez más vital.

This is, without a doubt, the most important reason for offline support in many applications. When bar employee is taking inventory using inventory software, they must be able to complete their tasks without being reliant on a connection. Signal problems are indeed genuine and occur all the time.

Panel de control fácil de usar

Most bar inventory software has dashboards that can give you instant insight into trends and patterns in data, allowing for quick analysis and understanding without the need to go through lengthy or complex Excel spreadsheets and reports. This saves a lot of time that would have been spent analyzing the bar data and allows for informed decisions on how to improve future sales to be made quickly and efficiently. In today's competitive market, this can make an impact on any bar business. 

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el software de inventario de bares

Hacer un inventario de un bar no es fácil. Es posible que haya algo que quiera saber antes de empezar a hacer un inventario. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos de los tipos de preguntas que te pueden hacer:

¿Cuándo debo empezar a utilizar la aplicación de inventario de bebidas alcohólicas?

When you’re ready to take your bar inventory process to the next level, it’s time to get set up with the liquor inventory app. This software will help you efficiently manage your bar inventory, so you can quickly see what needs to be restocked and what is selling well. Not only that, but it can also help you track your liquor expenses and automatically generate reports. As a result, bar software may help you save time and money. So if you’re ready to streamline your inventory process, there’s no better time than now to get set up with bar management software.

¿Con qué frecuencia hay que hacer un inventario?

For most bar managers, taking inventory is a tedious but necessary task. While it's important to stay on top of stock levels, counting every bottle in the bar can be time-consuming. So how often should you take inventory? The answer may vary depending on the size of the bar and the liquor inventory system in place. For example, smaller bars may only need to count inventory once a month, while larger bars might need to do it once a week. Additionally, some liquor inventory systems allow bar managers to track stock levels in real-time, which means that taking an inventory count may not be necessary at all. Ultimately, the frequency of inventory counts will depend on the individual needs of the bar.

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de gestionar el inventario de un bar?

El inventario debe manejarse con prontitud y precisión. Debe realizarse un recuento de las existencias al menos una vez a la semana, pero con más frecuencia si es posible. Esto ayudará a garantizar que el inventario sea preciso y esté actualizado. También es fundamental utilizar un programa de inventario de barras. Esto ayudará a controlar lo que está disponible y lo que hay que pedir.

Es fundamental contar con un sistema de seguimiento del inventario. Las inspecciones semanales del inventario, los informes mensuales del inventario y las auditorías anuales del inventario son ejemplos de ello. Puede utilizar estas estrategias para garantizar que las existencias de su bar están bien controladas y actualizadas

10 pasos para utilizar el software de inventario de licores de WISK

1. Descargue la aplicación en la tienda de aplicaciones

2. Abra la aplicación y haga clic en el icono "Inventario".

3. Ver una lista de todas las ubicaciones dentro de su sede

4. Comience a escanear las botellas utilizando la cámara de su iPhone (que actúa como un escáner de código de barras)

5. Pesar las botellas abiertas utilizando la balanza de inventario de licores Bluetooth

6. Cuenta las botellas cerradas utilizando los signos + y - o la calculadora de la app

7. Encuentre las botellas sin código de barras utilizando la función de búsqueda

8. Guarde la ubicación y pase a la siguiente cuando haya terminado

9. Envíe su inventario una vez que se hayan guardado todas las ubicaciones

10. Reciba el informe generado directamente en sus correos electrónicos

¿Por qué elegir WISK?

Por último, ¿en qué se diferencia WISK de otras aplicaciones de inventario de bares? Es muy sencillo. Además de ser altamente inteligente, organizado y eficiente, WISK le permite hacer más.

Las capacidades únicas de WISK

  • Permite escanear los códigos de barras de las bebidas
  • Offers a scale to weigh bottles for precise measurements
  • Le da la opción de pedir y recibir
  • Incluye la integración con TouchBistro, Lightspeed, Silverware y más de 30 programas de TPV
  • Incorpora la integración de la báscula por Bluetooth
  • Viene con soporte telefónico completo de nuestro equipo
  • Le ofrece la opción de contratos mensuales
  • Incluye una base de datos con más de 50.000 botellas para elegir

To recap, our software offers the most useful features for any bar or restaurant supervisor. From having the largest selection of brands to full POS system integration, we’ve got you covered. We are leaders in the hospitality industry and are passionate about helping restaurant managers make their day-to-day tasks stress-free. Please call us at +1 

Mejore la gestión del inventario de su bar

The hospitality business is a competitive market. The key to success in running a bar or restaurant is to manage your costs effectively, minimize expenses and losses, and maximize profits. Do some research on the other liquor inventory software out there and find what works best to begin streamlining your inventory management, making profits and customer satisfaction easier for your bar or restaurant.

See your ROI thrive as you master the beginner's guide to using a bar inventory app. Your commitment to streamlining operations guarantees enhanced profitability and success in the world of hospitality.

With Wisk.ai, our user-friendly platform empowers you to optimize stock levels, reduce waste, and enhance profitability. From real-time insights to customizable reports, Wisk provides the tools you need to elevate your bar operations. Revolutionize your bar management today with Wisk's comprehensive software.


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