Restaurant Software You Can Trust For Precise Inventory Management

Inventory Management 5X Faster.

The easiest setup ever with a database of 2 million items. There's no setup or need to create items in an inventory sheet. Just follow 3 easy steps:

1. Open WISK on your phone
2. Scan your barcode
3. Click Save
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" Si quieres conocer tu negocio, si quieres saber a dónde va tu dinero y cómo mejorar y rentabilizar, WISK te ayudará sin duda y compartirá información que quizás no conocías antes. "
James Harrington, Director de Compras, IconInk

Guaranteed to save your restaurant money.

WISK is the only fully automated inventory management software on the market. With its advanced features, restaurant owners can take control of their inventory costs and increase their restaurant’s profitability.

Benefit from reduced food costs, recipe costing, better stock level management, and increased profit margins with real-time inventory tracking in WISK.

" WISK is a very comprehensive restaurant inventory management system with highly customizable reporting options and is easy to learn. The provided help documentation is very thorough, and their customer service representatives are extremely helpful, friendly, and prompt to reply to questions."

— Tamara from The Black Dog Freehouse

Manage Restaurant Inventory Offline & Never Lose Data.

Ever struggle with trying to do inventory in a basement or fridge? WISK works offline, so you don’t have to worry about being connected to the internet or losing data.
" WISK es el pulso de nuestra negocio. Es la forma en que empezamos la semana: tengo mis informes preparados y así sé por dónde va el consumo y por dónde empezar a profundizar". "
Hagop Hagopian, Vicepresidente de Operaciones, Foodtastic

Up to 99.7% accuracy of your in-stock inventory.

WISK does the heavy lifting and it’s up to 99.7% accurate. Our database of 200K bottles contains all the empty and full weights so you don’t have to do any math to calculate densities.
"Consistency would probably be our number one problem before WISK. We used a variety of different products. all the typical things that restaurants go through and we really needed something that was going to be super user-friendly. "
Susan MacLeod, Directora de Recursos Humanos y Operaciones, OttawaVenues

Multiple Users at One Time.

Want to get inventory done faster? With WISK, multiple staff members can tackle inventory in various locations simultaneously, and everything syncs up magically in real time, making your food and beverage inventory management ultra-efficient.
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" Si quieres conocer tu negocio, si quieres saber a dónde va tu dinero y cómo mejorar y rentabilizar, WISK te ayudará sin duda y compartirá información que quizás no conocías antes. "
James Harrington, Director de Compras, IconInk

Control Food Costs with Automated Inventory Management and Invoice processing.

Get actionable data on your recipe costs and stop guessing what your profit margins are for each dish.

1. Optimize Profitability with Accurate Menu Costing
2. Secure Bottomline with Prime Cost Control
3. Get Prompt Alerts for Unexpected Cost Changes
"La consistencia sería probablemente nuestro problema número uno antes de WISK. Usábamos una variedad de productos diferentes,..., todas las cosas típicas por las que pasan los restaurantes y realmente necesitábamos algo que fuera súper fácil de usar. "
Susan MacLeod, Directora de Recursos Humanos y Operaciones, OttawaVenues

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of a restaurant inventory management software?

When inventory management is done right, it helps restaurants reduce waste, save on costs, improve menu planning, and ultimately increase their profitability. The use of inventory software greatly improves the accuracy and efficiency of the inventory management process.

What is restaurant inventory management?

Restaurant inventory management is the process of monitoring and controlling the food and beverage ingredients within a restaurant's stock. It involves keeping track of what supplies enter and leave your inventory, analyzing usage, predicting future demand, and making decisions about when and how much to order. 

How does inventory management software help me save money?

Effective restaurant inventory management directly impacts vital financial metrics such as your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and Prime Cost. It optimizes food cost control by preventing overstocking or understocking, and reduces waste. Lower your COGS by making smarter purchasing and menu pricing decisions using accurate data. 

Can you still do inventory with WISK if there’s no WIFI?

Yes. All of your data is saved within WISK, even when there is no WIFI. Once you connect to the WIFI, your data will then update within WISK automatically.

Does WISK work with Bluetooth scales?

Yes. In fact, we recommend using bluetooth scales to make the inventory taking experience even easier. There are specific, cost effective scales that we recommend using with WISK. 

How do you take inventory with WISK?

Taking inventory with WISK is designed to be simple and intuitive:

  1. Choose an Area: Start by selecting the inventory area (such as a bar, kitchen, or storage room) you'll be working on from the app.
  2. Scan or Search for Items: Use WISK’s barcode scanning feature to quickly recognize items in your inventory, or manually search for items if you prefer.
  3. Count Your Stock: Input the quantity of each item in your selected area, using fractional amounts for open bottles or partial units.
  4. Sync Your Inventory: After entering all items, synchronize your data. WISK will then update your inventory in real-time, giving you immediate insight into your stock levels.

WISK’s platform supports multiple units of measurement and partial quantities, simplifying measurements for items like open wine bottles or bulk goods. With WISK, inventory becomes a fast, efficient, and transparent process.

How to choose the right inventory management system?

When choosing an inventory solution, consider its user-friendliness, integration with existing systems, real-time tracking capabilities, insightful reporting and analytics, reliable customer support, and cost-effectiveness. And don’t forget to ensure it has all the features you need for your restaurant.

How does WISK track inventory?

WISK tracks inventory using a combination of barcode scanning, manual input, and real-time data synchronization. After the data is entered, inventory data is synchronized and updated in real time on WISK’s platform. Inventory levels, usage patterns, and variance are then analyzed and made available to users, delivering valuable insights on managing their stock effectively.

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